Mdia – An improvement to messaging!


As the digital world grows larger, social media has become a crucial part of everyday life. The first thing most social media lovers do as soon as they wake up, is to look at their social media pages. Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, WhatsApp, and many others have grabbed everyone’s attention. People are eager to answer, and send messages and pictures. It’s so tremendous the need that some users do not care for time and place. It doesn’t matter the situation; some media lovers distract themselves at all times. Society’s concern is the distraction caused while driving. Many accidents take place because people were reading or typing messages on their smartphones. Mdia has taken in account driver’s needs and wants. It has created a new way of staying in touch with social media while driving. Mdia, a talking messenger allows you to receive and send text messages by verbal interaction with your phone via Bluetooth.


Thanks to the use of Bluetooth in vehicles, Mdia can easily access social media pages through wireless connection between a car and a smartphone. This new cellphone App will change the way drivers interact through social media. Most modern cars already come with a call button. In order to connect with the texting App, instead of the phone log, the button on the steering wheel used to answer and make calls must be pressed twice. Instead of going directly to the phone log, the user will ask it if there are any new messages. Depending on the Mdia’s answer, the interaction will take place. If you wish to start a chat, just simply say, Mdia send message to….. Mdia, will do the work for you. (Refer to Script)

Making a list of “Priorities” is Mdia’s most useful tool. In this list, the user can add all the people whose messages would be read first. These messages have priority. When a message arrives, an automatic background soft tone will play, and if you wish to review it, ask “Mdia Do I have any messages?” From then on, the direct interaction with the app begins, (refer to Script model).  At any time during the interaction, the end call button on the steering wheel will end interaction. This app will be available in 4 languages to start off with, English, Spanish, French, and Italian.  Since people, regardless of language, have different dialects, at the beginning of the App’s subscription, Mdia will record and classify the user’s dialects; everything clearly said around a 3 feet radius. This way, it will be specially made and adapted to your personal voice.

The app will not be limited to in car usage. Regularly, the app will be available at a touch of the Icon. The Icon is pressed and the interaction begins.

The market that Mdia wants to target are the X and Y generations. Both generations combined make up the population of 17 to 45 years old.   Anyone with a smart phone will be able to download the app. It is targeted towards the social media users that drive, however, Mdia will not be limited to a certain public. Even though the app is not free, it is fairly inexpensive.  A onetime charge of $4.99 will be the cost to acquire it. Once purchased, it can be transferred to other devices under the same name.pict.png

Mdia’s development took place with the idea of preventing car accidents. The app will not stop cellphone use, but it will limit the interaction between cellphone and user while driving. Some people are so connected to social media that almost nothing can disconnect them. Mdia’s intention is not to detach users from social media, but to make a better use of it while driving.





“A Pledge to Never Give Up”

“A Pledge to Never Give Up”


I took an hour ride from home to what would be the start of a new life. I counted the minutes every time the driver opened the doors, thinking, “Is this my stop?” People came in, people went out, and everyone was worried only about themselves. As the rain filled the streets with water, I wondered, “Will I make it on time?” Finally, the clock yielded that it was time to be in class. I couldn’t do anything but wait; wait for the bus and rain to stop. I thought, “What if I am the only one late.” As the doors opened, I jumped off the bus and walked as fast as I could, rushing through the puddles. It only took two minutes for me to be soaked from head to toe. I thought about what I would tell my new professor whom I hadn’t even met yet. What will he think? It was only my first day of college.


As miserable as it might sound, that day, May 6th, 2013, was one of the happiest days of my life.


On May 6th 2013, I had officially started a new phase in life.

Just like that day of horrible weather, I was able to make it to class, I compromise to never give up and fight for what I want. Fight for what I believe is righteous and fair! Courage and persistence will open all my future doors, just like the bus’ doors did that day. I look forward to surpassing the challenges crossed on my road, which I know will be many.



Change creates Longevity !!!

Change Creates Longevity


Artists now a days have become a gossip concept. When they are heard off, everyone talks about, everyone knows about it, everyone goes crazy about it, and then, everyone forgets about it. With so much music, movies, and painting created every day, no one is assured to be remembered a year from now. For people like sport players, age is a barrier.

How can you give your career longevity?   CHANGE


For example, who doesn’t know Will Smith? He has done so many things, rapping, acting, entertaining, and lately producing. If he would have stayed rapping his entire life, what would have guaranteed his success? Because the changed and developed his career even further, he created longevity.

Another example is Enrique Iglesias!


He started his career in the Hispanic market singing romantic songs. Later he introduced himself in the English speaking market with his more upbeat music. He opened his doors to change and succeeded.

“Change is good”

Below there are some tips for staring on the entertainment/artistic market.

1st… understand that no matter what your style, skill level, or age is, there’s a tribe of humans out there among the billions that will love what you do, and gladly pay for it. Your challenge is to find them, move them, and continue to feed them.

2- YOU ARE YOUR OWN INVESTOR!!! NO ONE will come knocking on your door!!!! Can’t say that loud enough. YOU NEED TO GO OUT AND KNOCK DOORS!!

3- YOU MUST CREATE ART FOR THE RIGHT REASONS!! If you’re creating art for fame, fortune, or prestige, this may come as a shock, but you really should STOP right now!!! Clearly we all would want those things if we’re honest, but the foundation of why you create Art can’t be built on that stuff. ”I have to build this no matter what, no matter how long it takes, no matter how high I have to climb, no matter how many times I slip and fall, no matter how many obstacles get in my way, and no matter what anyone thinks!!!!!! If you CAN’T bring that kind of passion and resolve to the table, then maybe this new age of the independent Artist/Entrepreneur isn’t for you.

4- TRY TO LET YOUR ART REFLECT YOU, BUT NOT BE ABOUT YOU!  And lastly, if it’s going to be about you, then let it be something inspiring ok!

My love for Theater!

I was 14 the first time I saw a Broadway play, in New York City. It was Phantom of the Opera. I recall not being interested, just very aware of the multitude around me. I had no interest on critiquing the play. It was just a fun night at New York City.

It is only now that I have found the meaning of a live performance. There is no comparison between a live production and a film production. I was enchanted by the atmosphere and energy transferred by a Broadway Theatre, The Westchester Broadway Theatre.


As I walked through the aisles of this beautiful place. The thousand lights hanging from the ceiling, the stage ready to charm, and the music arranged to attract, it was all stunning. The first thing I said was, “wow!” My co-workers said, “it’s ok, you’ll get over it”. I’ve been working here for a year now, and I am still not over it. Every time I walk into this place I get the same feeling I got the very first day.

I try to see all the plays presented here, and every time I have the same reaction, “this is amazing”. If I am frightened of mistakes in film production, I am terrified of them on live performances. All my admiration to everyone involved in a play, from actors to producers, writers, artists, everyone. I wish to one day become part of such spectacle.