Don’t be BORING!

Don’t ever let your everyday life become monotonous. Monotonous is boring, uninteresting! Even if you do the same thing every day, do it differently, every time.

For example; I go to the same place every day, I know the fastest route, however, I don’t always take it.

I like changing things up!

Every day is a new adventure, and you must live it up!

When life gets too serious and boring, find something or someone who can make you smile. 🙂

On this blog, I will share the things that make me smile !


(Hudson River, Tarrytown, NY)

A beautiful SUNSET. See the sun kiss you goodnight.

After a long day, there is nothing better than seeing a fusion of color naturally created just for us!



Don’t be afraid to get dirty, as long as your having fun!

Being comfortable around friends and family will allow you to enjoy life in silly ways!



(Peanut Leap Cascade, New Jersey)

See the world from a different perspective! Find an elevated spot and be (the King of the world!)

Life can get very serious and monotonous sometimes. The best way to unwind is by spending time with someone energetic and unpredictable! Someone who doesn’t care what people think, they can jump, run, laugh, and jiggle without any remorse.



A child’s innocence is precious!

When life gets in the way, be a child!

Don’t be boring!

Do you know why you get up in the morning?

Image result for awesome sunrise

Reasons to jump out of bed every morning!!!

Do you know why you get up in the morning?

Most of us hated waking up early on school days, we just wanted to stay in bed. We needed someone to wake us up, and nearly force us off of bed. What about those days that we didn’t have school?

Many children wake up early on those days. Parents are always wondering why kids are so backwards.

Well, there is an answer to that, kids aren’t backwards, they just have goals, and it is not going to school. Kids with goals in mind will jump off bed at any time. Image result for a kid on the fall

Do you jump out of bed every morning?

Do you have a goal?

A professor once told me, “I have two sons, complete opposite from one another. They both had their different group of friends. When Saturday came around, one would take his mom’s car and the other would take my car. The youngest was long gone by 9PM. And the other, well the other sat in the garage with his friends asking each other, ‘what do you wanna do’, the other would answer, ‘I don’t know, what do you wanna do’. It was like that every weekend. They never left the garage, because they never knew where they were going.”


Having goals and going after them brings joy into our lives.


Starting with BIG goals is important, even if they seem unreachable.


Image result for happy man

Once you have your biggest goals in mind, think of what it will take for you to reach them. That’s where the smaller goals come in. Go as small as you can. All the way down to, “I need to get up at 6 am tomorrow”.

Having goals makes everyday a breeze. 

You wake up with a vision, knowing that the simple task of jumping out of bed everyday, will take you where you want to go.


The Disney Renaissance

The Disney Renaissance

Walter Elias “Walt” Disney was born on December 5, 1901, in Hermosa, Illinois. Walter along with his brother Roy, co-founded Walt Disney Productions, in 1923, which became one of the best-known motion-picture production companies in the world.

After decades of success, Disney Productions lost popularity. Walter and Roy’s death, 1966, left Donn Tatum, Card Walker, and Ron Miller in charge of production. When Don Bluth, a long-time animator, branched off taking 11 Disney animators along with him, production delayed. For the next 20 years Disney did not have a box office hit. The animation department was pushed to a side.

In 1988, Steven Spielberg, a long-time animator joined the Disney animation team. “Who Framed Roger Rabbit”, a live action/animation was created. This film was a success. It won three Academy Awards, bringing interest on animation back to Disney.

The Disney Renaissance was a successful era in which cartoon movies took a turn for the best.

The Little Mermaid was approached differently, it wasn’t a regular cartoon, nor a regular musical. It was written, composed, and produced as a Broadway Musical. Its development started in the 1930s. Lyricist Howard Ashman and composer Alan Menken both with Broadway background took over the project and turned it into what is known today. Ashman and Menken were involved in all Disney Renaissance Productions.

"The Little Mermaid"


November 14, 1989, The Little Mermaid was released breaking the record of highest-grossing animated film.



The Disney Renaissance: The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, The Lion King, Pocahontas, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Hercules, Mulan, and Tarzan.

It marked the start of the Disney Renaissance, following with all-time favorite animated movies, The Lion King, Mulan, The Beauty and the Beast, Pocahontas, Hercules, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Aladdin, and The Rescuers Down Under.


Film vs Theatre

 Film vs Theatre


We use the word theatre along with drama to describe activity in our daily life. Acting is part of our everyday lives: we describe our behaviors in our professional and personal scopes as if we were performers on the stage of life.

Theatricality is all around in many of the popular art forms that engage us. The relationship between film and theatre is very deceptive, nevertheless, all part of our popular entertainment.

The most significant difference between both art forms is the distance between performers and audience.

In film, the interaction with performers is presented or blocked by a screen. The more natural the acting the better. In contrast to theatre, actors don’t need to exaggerate their movements. The camera angels, and background music will capture the mood and tone of the scene.


Regardless of challenges from movies, radio, and television, theater has continued to thrive in the twenty first century. Perhaps this is so because of the “live” nature of theater, for theater is an event in which the performers are in the presence of the audience. This creates a circular flow of energy, as performer affects audience and audience affects performer. The play may be scripted exactly the same every single time, yet, every performance will be different. The group experience is essential to theater, as the group reinforces the emotions experienced by the individual and creates a “collective mind.” When a group of individuals respond more or less in agreement to what is occurring onstage, their relationship to one another is reaffirmed and strengthened.

On the other hand, film is the director’s territory. The director calls all the shots, unless the actor is a huge box office draw, everything he says is unnecessary. They move from moment to moment in no particular order, most of the time, with little to no rehearsal time. Editing and good sound music can turn a lousy performance into a star on the screen.


Oddly, film actors can work very quickly to put a scene together in a film that then exists forever while theatre actors may work for months to achieve a performance that only lasts as long as the run of the show.

Film and theatre are two similar, yet extremely different forms of art.

How to be the right person, for the right person?

What do we all want and need? 

Everybody at least once a day, thinks about what they want in a partner. Haven’t we all heard from our family, friends, neighbors, etc.? I want a man like this… I want a woman like that…… It’s all about what we want and need. Some of us even have a list of the qualities we would like our partners to have. Others have already given up, because they can’t find that right person.


I would like to share with you something once someone told me, and I will never forget. She said something within this lines, “You want a person that is charming, and has and does everything on your list, a “perfect man”. However, do you know what this man wants? Are you the person that this “perfect man” is looking for? Would you fit all the qualities that this man wants in a woman?” 



Do we ever think about that your right person, and want they would like, what their needs and wants are? Do we live up to the standards of that special someone we are looking for. I don’t know about you, but I sure know I wasn’t. I would never find a charming person to fulfill all the qualities on my list, lol, if I didn’t first fulfill his.  

The final question is,  

I am the right person for the person I am looking for? Would he/she look at me and say, “I have found you!!” 


Don’t forget we all look for the same thing.


Mexicans in Mexico don’t celebrate “Cinco de Mayo”

If Mexico’s Independence Day is September 16, what is Cinco de Mayo?

In the early 1860s, Mexico was in large debt with European countries, one of them being France. France’s Emperor Napoleon III decided to invade Mexico and force repayment. The French outnumbered the Mexicans in a 2-1 ratio. Although the invasion violated the Unites States’ Monroe Doctrine, they couldn’t help. The Unites States was too busy taking care of its own Civil War.

As France succeeded and moved toward Mexico City, Mexico’s capital, on May 5th, 1862, they found defeat. At the city of Puebla, the unexpected happened. It was nearly impossible for Mexicans to win, but they won a battle in Puebla. Even though the French did reach Mexico City and took over the country, as expected, Mexicans see this battle as a massive victory.

When the Civil War was over in the U.S.A., the French were mandated to leave Mexico and obligated to return home.

Today, Mexico’s Independence Day is the only day celebrated in Mexico. Mexican-Americans and Americans are the ones that have turned Cinco de Mayo into a “Mexican holiday”. In Mexico only City of Puebla celebrated Cinco de Mayo.

Why is it so big of a deal in America?

an american tradition


Before the U.S reached its current size, much of its land was Mexican, where Cinco de Mayo was celebrated more than 100 years ago. And so, the tradition was carried along thru the years and the country. Today we celebrate Cinco de Mayo and embrace Mexican Heritage, all around the world.

Do we need Happy Endings?

No happy endings!


I remember growing up with all this stories of princesses, and princes that rescued them. How nice would it be if they were real?


Well, they are stories, they are tales that were created to bring some hope into children’s lives. One day you’ll meet your prince charming. What many people don’t know is that many of the happy ending stories had horrifying original ending. Most of these tales were written during the 19th century. All of them with perturbing endings


In this version, the little girl from Red Riding Hood, is a well-bred young lady who is given false instructions by the wolf when she asks the way to her grandmother’s. Foolishly riding hood takes the advice of the wolf and ends up being eaten. And here the story ends. There is no woodsman – no grandmother – just a fat wolf and a dead Red Riding Hood. The moral to this story is to not take advice from strangers


For Little Mermaid, the mermaid sees the Prince marry a princess and she despairs. She is offered a knife with which to stab the prince to death, but rather than do that she jumps into the sea and dies by turning to foam.

In the original tale, the Queen actually asks for Snow White’s liver and lungs – which are to be served for dinner that night! Also in the original, Snow White wakes up when she is manhandled by the prince’s horse as he carries her back to his castle – not from a magical kiss. What the prince wanted to do with a dead girl’s body I will leave to your imagination. Oh – in the Grimm version, the tale ends with the Queen being forced to dance to death in red hot iron shoes!


In Hansel and Gretel instead of a witch we have a devil. Now the wicked old devil is tricked by the children (in much the same way as Hansel and Gretel), but he works it out and puts together a sawhorse to put one of the children on to bleed (that isn’t an error – he really does). The children pretend not to know how to get on the sawhorse so the devil’s wife demonstrates. While she is lying down the kids slash her throat and escape.


There are so many more!!!

Thank Disney for the happy endings. I hope I didn’t destroy anyone’s childhood. With all those horrible tales, were they trying to teach us something? Have the happy endings changed to way us, as individuals, work. Have we become fearless? A little bit of fear doesn’t hurt, it gives you courage.

Are we not brave anymore?