How to be the right person, for the right person?

What do we all want and need? 

Everybody at least once a day, thinks about what they want in a partner. Haven’t we all heard from our family, friends, neighbors, etc.? I want a man like this… I want a woman like that…… It’s all about what we want and need. Some of us even have a list of the qualities we would like our partners to have. Others have already given up, because they can’t find that right person.


I would like to share with you something once someone told me, and I will never forget. She said something within this lines, “You want a person that is charming, and has and does everything on your list, a “perfect man”. However, do you know what this man wants? Are you the person that this “perfect man” is looking for? Would you fit all the qualities that this man wants in a woman?” 



Do we ever think about that your right person, and want they would like, what their needs and wants are? Do we live up to the standards of that special someone we are looking for. I don’t know about you, but I sure know I wasn’t. I would never find a charming person to fulfill all the qualities on my list, lol, if I didn’t first fulfill his.  

The final question is,  

I am the right person for the person I am looking for? Would he/she look at me and say, “I have found you!!” 


Don’t forget we all look for the same thing.