Do we need Happy Endings?

No happy endings!


I remember growing up with all this stories of princesses, and princes that rescued them. How nice would it be if they were real?


Well, they are stories, they are tales that were created to bring some hope into children’s lives. One day you’ll meet your prince charming. What many people don’t know is that many of the happy ending stories had horrifying original ending. Most of these tales were written during the 19th century. All of them with perturbing endings


In this version, the little girl from Red Riding Hood, is a well-bred young lady who is given false instructions by the wolf when she asks the way to her grandmother’s. Foolishly riding hood takes the advice of the wolf and ends up being eaten. And here the story ends. There is no woodsman – no grandmother – just a fat wolf and a dead Red Riding Hood. The moral to this story is to not take advice from strangers


For Little Mermaid, the mermaid sees the Prince marry a princess and she despairs. She is offered a knife with which to stab the prince to death, but rather than do that she jumps into the sea and dies by turning to foam.

In the original tale, the Queen actually asks for Snow White’s liver and lungs – which are to be served for dinner that night! Also in the original, Snow White wakes up when she is manhandled by the prince’s horse as he carries her back to his castle – not from a magical kiss. What the prince wanted to do with a dead girl’s body I will leave to your imagination. Oh – in the Grimm version, the tale ends with the Queen being forced to dance to death in red hot iron shoes!


In Hansel and Gretel instead of a witch we have a devil. Now the wicked old devil is tricked by the children (in much the same way as Hansel and Gretel), but he works it out and puts together a sawhorse to put one of the children on to bleed (that isn’t an error – he really does). The children pretend not to know how to get on the sawhorse so the devil’s wife demonstrates. While she is lying down the kids slash her throat and escape.


There are so many more!!!

Thank Disney for the happy endings. I hope I didn’t destroy anyone’s childhood. With all those horrible tales, were they trying to teach us something? Have the happy endings changed to way us, as individuals, work. Have we become fearless? A little bit of fear doesn’t hurt, it gives you courage.

Are we not brave anymore?


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